Yes, because if it had zero as the final digit, it'd be divisible by 2 and 5, and thus not prime.
679 is the product of the largest single-digit prime number and the largest two-digit prime number.
Yes that is correct
Yes, they are.
The first two-digit prime number is 11.
9797 is the largest two digit prime number.
679 is the product of the largest single-digit prime number and the largest two-digit prime number.
You can check this in any list of prime numbers. The answer is yes. Note that this doesn't apply to larger numbers.
Yes that is correct
Yes, they are.
The first 'three digit' Prime Number is 101.
Every 9-digit combination of those numbers is a multiple of 3. None of them will be prime.
The largest 5-digit prime number is 99,991
97 is the largest 2-digit prime number.
The highest four-digit prime number is 9,973.
997 is the biggest 3 digit prime number.