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Q: Evidence and facts and statistics that support your analysis are best incorporated into your?
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What does Statistics mean in a persuasive letter?

Statistics can be used to support a course of action showing, say, how previous cases of something you are proposing was successful. However, reliance on statistics can backfire as many people will recall the saying that '... there are lies, damned lies and statistics' implying that one can 'prove anything with numbers'. So, the use of statistics to contributes to a case should, perhaps, be used as supporting evidence and qualified so as to ensure its 'fit' with the case in hand and not the primary evidence Beano GB

How can statistics be manipulated to support a certain point of view?

How might statistics be manipulated to support a certain point of view?

The importance of statistics on economic planning?

Statistics compile information that can be seen on paper. In economic planning, this can help a business decide if there is enough population to support a decision or if a targeted area is worth expanding.

Explain in detail the three possible outcomes that may result from this research?

The question is very poorly specified so this answer is simply a wild guess at what the questioner might want. Three possible outcomes of any research, designed to test some hypothesis, are: (a) evidence in support of the hypothesis; (b) evidence disproving the hypothesis; or (c) evidence that can neither prove (support) nor disprove the hypothesis.

Which best explains the difference between an explanation and an argument?

An explanation provides information, while an argument uses evidence to support a claim.

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You can best back up the logos in your essay with?

evidence, facts, and statistics that support your analysis.

Can best back up the logos in your essay with?

evidence, facts, and statistics that support your analysis.

What is the importance of statistics in sociology?

The importance of statistics in sociology are that they give a person tangible evidence to support theories. This evidence is then used to spot trends and predict the social development of many populated areas.

You make full use of when you support your claims with evidence from facts data statistics and observations?


When writing a character analysis about death of a salesman what should you do after finding textual evidence to support your claim?

explain how your evidence supports your claim

How do we support our analysis?

Support your analysis by providing evidence and data to back up your claims. Use credible sources and consider different perspectives to strengthen the validity of your analysis. Be thorough in your research and clearly explain the reasoning behind your conclusions.

When writing a character analysis essay about Death of a Salesman what should you do after finding textual evidence to support your claim?

explain how your evidence supports your claim

In a thematic analysis evidence refers to anything in the text that?

In thematic analysis, evidence refers to the specific words, phrases, or quotes from the data that support the identified themes or patterns. This evidence is used to demonstrate and validate the presence of the themes within the data set.

What types of evidence does the writer use to support the ideas in the essay?

The writer uses examples, statistics, expert opinions, and anecdotes to support the ideas in the essay. These forms of evidence help strengthen the argument and provide credibility to the writer's claims.

What are examples of factual evidence?

Examples of factual evidence include statistics, data, documentation, expert testimony, eyewitness accounts, and physical evidence such as photographs or videos. These types of evidence can be used to support claims or arguments based on verifiable information.

What are the steps in writing a thematic analysis essay?

You have to state the theme ,look for solid evidence to support yourself and explain why it is universal.

Which appeal is the best example of logos?

statistics show that the new tax is likely to affect families