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Statistics can be used to support a course of action showing, say, how previous cases of something you are proposing was successful.

However, reliance on statistics can backfire as many people will recall the saying that '... there are lies, damned lies and statistics' implying that one can 'prove anything with numbers'.

So, the use of statistics to contributes to a case should, perhaps, be used as supporting evidence and qualified so as to ensure its 'fit' with the case in hand and not the primary evidence

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Q: What does Statistics mean in a persuasive letter?
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The mean is the average value.

What is a persuasive Email?

A persuasive email is a letter where the writer tries to convince the reader to do something.

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a sign that shows about how much costomers they have served.

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the meaning of the word statistics is something that is used in support or to reflute an argument in a persuasive essay

What is a persuasive letter?

A letter to someone of importance trying to "persuade" them of a proposed idea.

A persuasive letter to your local my for more facilities for young people?

A persuasive letter to your local administration for more facilities for young people should be signed by the person who writes it.

How does the use of statistics affect people's decision making?

Numbers are powerful. This is one of the reasons why statistics can be such persuasive pieces of evidence. We too often accept them, without ever questioning their veracity or appropriateness.

What is persuasive communication?

Persuasive communication is any form of written, verbal communication, wherein the communicator (speaker/writer) is trying to convince the listener/reader to his way of thinking. Any sales presentation, business letter, sales letter is an example of persuasive communication.