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A simple law is the commutative addition law.

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Q: Example of mathematical scientific law
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Related questions

What is an example of a scientific law?

One example of scientific law, is The Law Of Gravity.

What is a example of scientific law?

One example of scientific law, is The Law Of Gravity.

What is the relationship between scientific law and theory?

Scientific laws are actually part of scientific theories. A law is a succinct statement of some scientific principle, often in mathematical form. For example, within Darwin's theory of evolution, we find the law of survival of the fittest.

A scientific statement is mathematical and that summarizes experimental data is called a what?

a law

What kind of description of a scientific law would use a mathematical equation?


What term is defied as mathematical equations based on rules of physics?

Scientific Law.

Can a law be demonstrated mathematically?

No, a scientific law cannot be demonstrated mathematically as mathematical proofs area form of rationalism (logical based) whereas scientific proofs are a form of empiricism (evidence based), so neither a mathematical law can be proved scientifically nor a scientif law be proved mathematically.

What is a mathematical equation for scientific law?

There is no single equation. There are different equations for different laws.

A scientific law is .?

A description, often mathematical, of how (not why) a process occurs.

Does a scientific law become a scientific theory?

A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution

What are Non examples of scientific law?

it is a example of a law that can't be proven by science

Distinguish between a scientific fact and a scientific law?

A scientific fact is a controlled, repeatable and/or rigorously verified observation.A scientific law is a statement of an observed regularity among facts, often expressible as a simple mathematical relationship.Source: