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There is no single equation. There are different equations for different laws.

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Q: What is a mathematical equation for scientific law?
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it is a scientific equation made my albert einstein It is the Formula for WATER (EMC2)

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Example of mathematical scientific law?

A simple law is the commutative addition law.

A concise verbal statement or mathematical equation that summarizes a broad variety of observations and experiences is called a?

A concise verbal statement or mathematical equation that summarizes a broad variety of observations and experiences is called a theory or a principle.

Which description best describes scientific law?

A scientific law is a statement that describes a consistent and predictable relationship observed in nature, typically expressed as a mathematical equation. It summarizes a pattern in data and is generally accepted as true and universal, applying to a wide range of situations.

What term is defined as a mathematical equation based on rules of earth science?

Scientific laws. Scientific laws. Scientific laws. Scientific laws.

What is a scientific equation?

A scientific equation is a mathematical expression that represents a relationship between different variables in a scientific context. These equations are used to describe and predict natural phenomena and are often derived based on empirical observations or theoretical principles. Examples include Newton's second law of motion (F=ma) and the equation for the conservation of energy (E=mc^2).

How is a scientific law unlike a scientific theory?

A scientific law describes a consistent pattern observed in nature, typically expressed as a mathematical equation. It does not explain why the pattern occurs. In contrast, a scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence that explains a wide range of phenomena and can be used to make predictions.

A scientific statement is mathematical and that summarizes experimental data is called a what?

a law

What term is defied as mathematical equations based on rules of physics?

Scientific Law.