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Q: Example of multiplication of real numbers?
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What do you mean that an operation is commutative?

It means that when you exchange the two operands, the result doesn't change. Example 1: For any two real numbers, a + b = b + a. In the real numbes, addition is commutative. Example 2: For any two real numbers, ab = ba. In the real numbers, multiplication is commutative. Example 3: For square matrixes, AB is not the same as BA. Multiplication of matrixes is NOT commutative. Example 4: For vectors, a x b = - b x a. The cross product of vectors is NOT commutative.

Is multiplication of a whole number associative?

Yes. Multiplication of integers, of rational numbers, of real numbers, and even of complex numbers, is both commutative and associative.

What property is illustrated by this problem 7x8 equals 8x7?

The Abelian or commutative property of the multiplication of numbers. It is important that both "multiplication" and "numbers" feature in the answer. Because, it is applicable to multiplication but not, for example, for division. It is applicable for the multiplication on numbers but not matrices.

Why is 9 a Factorial number?

Because it is a product of real numbers. And the set of real numbers is closed under multiplication.

What is an example of an ordered list of numbers?

Multiplication tables

Is the set of real numbers closed under multiplication?


Which real number is not commutative?

All real numbers are commutative under addition and multiplication.

Is the set of negative integers closed under multiplication real numbers?

No, it is not.

Is Multiplication communicative?

The multiplication most people are familiar with which you probably learned in school, IS commutative - that's the multiplication of integers, as well as real numbers in general.There are some other operations which mathematicians call "multiplication" which are NOT communitative; for example, the multiplication of matrices, or the cross-product of vectors.

Why is the set of negative real numbers not closed under multiplication?

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What is a sentence using the word multiplication?

I memorized the multiplication table in fourth grade.

Is multiplication a whole numbers associative operation?

Yes. Multiplication of any real numbers has the associative property: (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)