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No, it is not.

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Q: Is the set of negative integers closed under multiplication real numbers?
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What is the set of whole numbers closed by?

If you mean the set of non-negative integers ("whole numbers" is a bit ambiguous in this sense), it is closed under addition and multiplication. If you mean "integers", the set is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication.

Are negative integers closed under multiplication?


Why are odd integers closed under multiplication but not under addition?

The numbers are not closed under addition because whole numbers, even integers, and natural numbers are closed.

Are the sums and products of whole numbers always whole numbers?

Yes, the whole numbers are closed with respect to addition and multiplication (but not division).The term "whole numbers" is not always consistently defined, but is usually taken to mean either the positive integers or the non-negative integers (the positive integers and zero). In either of these cases, it also isn't closed with respect to subtraction. Some authors treat it as a synonym for "integers", in which case it is closed with respect to subtraction (but still not with respect to division).

What are the characteristics of integers?

Integers are the natural numbers (counting numbers: 1,2,3,etc.), and their negative counterparts, and zero. The set of Integers is closed for addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but not division. Closed means that the answer will be a part of the set. Example: 1/3 (1 divided by 3 equals one third) is not an integer, even though both 1 and 3 are integers.

Why is the set of negative real numbers not closed under multiplication?

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Are positive integers closed for multipication?

No, but they are closed for multiplication.

Is the set of all negative numbers closed under the operation of multiplication explain why or why?

No.When you multiply two negative numbers together, you do not get a negative number as the answer.

Is the whole number closed under subtraction?

If you interpret "whole numbers" as "integers", then yes. If you interpret "whole numbers" as "non-negative integers", then no.

Is this set of negative numbers closed under multiplication or addition?

Yes. The empty set is closed under the two operations.

Is set of integers closed under multiplication?


What operations are closed for integers?

Addition, subtraction and multiplication.