We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen
LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
at a bank and any where you buy stuff
Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions
Things, more things and other things
Fractions are used for many things, including cooking, dealing with money, and deciding how much you need to eat. Fractions are used for cooking (two and a third cups of flour...), for measuring distances, for telling someone how old you are (9 1/2), for gaming and gambling, for making clothes, for building. They're everywhere.
Yes, most certainly, have you never been "halfway" home!
New deal: half off!!
LCM is used to find the lowest common denominator in fractions HCF is used to reduce fractions to their simplest terms
like when you go shopping, ( sales tax)
at a bank and any where you buy stuff
Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions
Things, more things and other things
tabe salt, talc, and a sapphire if there are any others tell me
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Plutonium is not used in everyday life.