Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers
Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers
Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions
Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions
Yes they are most likely used in your everyday life- even if you don't realize it. Computers use prime numbers in the encryption techniques. If you log in to a website in secure mode, most likely prime numbers are being used, but you don't even know about it.
Data encryption, used for personal identification numbers (PINs) and for secure communications over the internet are based on very large prime numbers.
Prime numbers and composite numbers are not used in daily jobs. However they are used by scientists to prove theorems.
Any situation numbers are used.
Counting your money would be one way.
Yes they are most likely used in your everyday life- even if you don't realize it. Computers use prime numbers in the encryption techniques. If you log in to a website in secure mode, most likely prime numbers are being used, but you don't even know about it.
Data encryption, used for personal identification numbers (PINs) and for secure communications over the internet are based on very large prime numbers.
Prime numbers and composite numbers are not used in daily jobs. However they are used by scientists to prove theorems.
Any situation numbers are used.
Prime numbers are used to encrypt credit cards and identify them.
Composite numbers can be used by businessmen, shopkeepers etc. These people use calculations a lot in their daily life.
Counting your money would be one way.
It is used in everyday life by just using numbers! Let's say an electrician needs to know how long a wire is......well he can use standard form to figure this out!
Data encryption, used for personal identification numbers (PINs) and for secure communications over the internet are based on very large prime numbers.
Complex numbers are not used in everyday life, unless you work in some very specific areas, including electrical engineering, or nuclear physics, where those numbers are required, or want to work with fractal art, for example.Complex numbers are not used in everyday life, unless you work in some very specific areas, including electrical engineering, or nuclear physics, where those numbers are required, or want to work with fractal art, for example.Complex numbers are not used in everyday life, unless you work in some very specific areas, including electrical engineering, or nuclear physics, where those numbers are required, or want to work with fractal art, for example.Complex numbers are not used in everyday life, unless you work in some very specific areas, including electrical engineering, or nuclear physics, where those numbers are required, or want to work with fractal art, for example.
Plutonium is not used in everyday life.
Prime numbers are used to find the product of the prime factors of composite numbers.