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Q: Explain What one is is always part of what one says?
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Since we do not know which part you are asking about, no, we can't explain its name.

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Glycerol is always a part of every triglyceride and phospholipid.

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its to hard to explain so ill just say go on you tube and search "poptropica mythology part one (two, three, or four) with no quotes. that's how i always do

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No, the visibility of the moon depends on its phase and its position in the sky. The moon is not always visible because it goes through different phases, such as new moon when it is not visible at all and full moon when it is fully illuminated and visible all night.

Or is always what part of speech?

"were always dismal" is more than one part of speech. were - verb always - adverb dismal - adjective

What is the part of speech of were always dismal?

"were always dismal" is more than one part of speech. were - verb always - adverb dismal - adjective

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I've always heard she says: "Always be yourself there's no one better!"

How do you explain Siberia in one sentence?

Siberia is the tundra in Asia that is part of Russia.