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Q: When you subtract one integer from another integer the result always has the same sign as the greater integer why explain?
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When you subtract a positive integer from another integer is the difference greater than or less than the original integer?

less than

True or False When you subtract a positive integer from another positive integer the result is always negative Explain?

That would be false. When you subtract two positive numbers, you only go into negatives if the number you are subtracting is greater than the number it's being subtracted from. 3 - 2 = 1 2 - 3 = -1

When you subtract a negative integer from another integer is the difference greater than or less than the original?

To subtract a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number. Two negatives multiplied make a positive.

True or False when you subtract a negative integer from another negative integer the result is always negative Explain.?

False. Counterexample: -1 - (-2) = -1 + 2 = 1.

How do you subtract an integer with another integer without using a number line or counters?


Can a negative integer be greater than a positive integer explain?

no , because the negative integer is not a whole number. A whole number is greater than a negative ! (:

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That has no integer solution. Three times an integer is another integer; if you subtract to integers, you get an integer again, not a fraction.

When you subtract one integer from another integer will your answer be greater than or less than the integer you started with explain your reasoning and give an example?

It can be greater than, equal or less than the original integer. There are three possible values for the second integer: It is positive, in which case the result will be less than the original integer, eg 5 - 2 = 3 and 3 < 5;It is zero, in which case the result will be the same as the original integer, eg 5 - 0 = 5 and 5 = 5;It is negative, in which case the result will be greater than the original integer, eg 5 - -2 = 7 and 7 > 5.

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=== ===

How do you subtract integers from another integer without using counters and a timeline?

The answer depends on your mathematical ability.

When you subtract a negative integer from a positive integer do you get a positive integer?


How do you determine the value of one integer in comparison to the value of another integer?

Look at the places that integers have on the number line. The integer that is on the right is greater that the integer is on the left.