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You take a graduated cylinder,or anything you can measure water in, and put water in it. You drop the marble in and the change in water height is your volume. For example if the cylinder is filled up to 10ml and after you drop in the marble it goes to 15ml then the marble has a volume of 5ml cubed.

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Q: Explain how you find the volume of a marble using displacement?
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A beaker is used to measure volume using water displacement.

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Could the volume of an object with a regular shape be determined by using water displacement?

Yes, the volume of an object with a regular shape can be determined by using water displacement. By measuring the amount of water displaced when the object is submerged, you can calculate the volume of the object using the principle of displacement.

How can you find the volume of an object using water?

Water Displacement

What is the best way to find the volume of a steel marble?

To find the volume of a steel marble, you can use the formula for the volume of a sphere, which is V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius of the marble. Measure the diameter of the marble using a caliper, then divide it by 2 to get the radius. Plug the radius into the formula and calculate the volume using the value of π. This will give you the volume of the steel marble in cubic units.

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I don't believe there is a way to find the mass of an object knowing only the diameter of the object. If you had the volume, or some other measurements sure. the best bet would be just to weigh it, or find the volume using the principles of displacement.

How can you measure volume using displacement?

The volume of an object can be determined by the displacement of water. By dropping the object into a measuring container of water, where the volume of the water is known, the object's volume can then be calculated by subtracting the volume of the water by the volume of the water and object combined.

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using water displacement method

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Eureka Can

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it will dissolve

What is the name for the method of using the displacements of water to find the volume of a strange shaped object?

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