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Q: Explain the payout of 3 to 2 odds?
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How much is the payout on show with 6 to 1 odds?

It depends on how much money is bet into the show pool. The 6-1 odds are win odds. If horses with lower odds run 1,2, or 3, the show payout will likely be in the $2.60-$3.60 range. If a "lock" runs off the board and a huge show bet was placed on that horse, theoretically the show payout could be larger than the 6-1 win payout.

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Here are the odds in craps: 7 vs. 6 Odds: 6 to 5 7 vs. 5 Odds: 6 to 4 or 3 to 2 7 vs. 4 Odds: 6 to 3 or 2 to 1 7 vs. 3 Odds: 6 to 2 or 3 to 1 7 vs. 2 Odds: 6 to 1

What is the probability 3 to 2 odds?

It is 3/5.

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2/3 or 2:3

If you tossed 3 coins what are the odds you will get 2 tails?

3 out of 8

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2/3 or 2:3

What is the odds of you get a 4 out of these numbers 4 4 4 2 1 3?

There are 6 numbers total with 3 4's. Then, the odds is ½.

What does an odds ratio of 0.5 mean?

It means there is a chance of being right 2 times out of three. 2:1 odds means 1 chance of 3 to be right; 1:1 odds means an even chance; 1:2 (0.5)odds is 2 of 3; 1:9 is 9 chances of being right out of 10 etc.

What are the odds of getting a hand with either 3 of a kind or 2 pairs in a game of poker?

The odds of getting a hand with either 3 of a kind or 2 pairs in a game of poker are approximately 21.5.

If you toss 3 coins what are the odds of getting exactly 3 heads?

The odds of getting 3 heads in a toss of 3 coins is 1 in 8, or 0.125. Each coin is probabalistically unrelated to each other, so you simply multiply the odds for each coin. 1 in 2 times 1 in 2 times 1 in 2 is 1 in 8.

Which has the best odds lotto Picking 6 out of 52 numbers or picking 5 out of 36 numbers?

The number of combinations of 52 numbers taken 6 at a time is 52 * 51 * 50 * 49 * 48 * 47 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 = 20,358,520. The number of combinations of 36 numbers taken 5 at a time is 36 * 35 * 34 * 33 *32 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 = 376,992. The odds are better with 5 out of 36 numbers, but the payout is probably less as well.

What do odds 1-2 mean?