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Cohesion is an attraction between molecules of the same substance. Adhesion is attraction between molecules of different substances.

An example of cohesion is how you can cause water to extend out over the rim of a glass if you fill it carefully; the molecules are all pulling together.

An example of adhesion is when you dip a piece of paper towel into a glass of water. The water will climb up the fibers of the paper above the level of the water in the glass. The water is attracted to the paper.

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Q: Explain the properties of cohesion and adhesion Give an example of each property?
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What is the meaning of the 4 properties in addition?

(4+5) +2 = 9 + 2? Explain

What is a two digit number has the property that the sum of the number and its digits is 63 what is the original number use algebra to explain?


How do you explain associative property?

The associative property says that you can group addends and multiplicands together however you want. The individual numbers in the expression aren't bothered by any of the other numbers getting together for drinks.

Write a definition for the the Associative Property of Multiplication in your own words and explain how you would use it to compute 4x25x27 mentally.?

the property which states that for all real numbers a,b,and c their product is always the same, regardless of their grouping

What are the four properties of money please identify and explain?

Among the major properties of a money are that it can serve as (1) a numeraire, (2) a means of exchange, (3) a store of value, and (4) a source of liquidity. Among the lesser properties are that it should be easy to transport and identify, it should be durable, easily divisible, hard to counterfeit and easy to store. A possibly desirable property is that it is an anonymous "bearer instrument," but the price of anonymity is that it is hard to recover if it is stolen. A personal check which is bank money can be stopped and is more personal than a $100 bill. The properties of a money are systemic and strategic and are most naturally formalized by means of strategic market games. Here we concentrate on the four major properties noted above and include comments on the cost of liquidity and the role of various assets as near monies.

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