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Because 0.1 is one-tenth, and you want one-tenth of one hundred, demonstrate one hundred divided into ten equal parts and you will see that ONE tenth of 100 is 10! :)

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Q: Explsin why 100 x 0.1 equals 10 without using the rule of moving the decimal points over so many places?
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Eradicate the decimal point by moving it to the right as for example 7.5 divided by 2.5 is the same as 75 divided by 25 which equals 3

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by dividing it by hundred which is done by moving the decimal point two places to the left. So if you have say 28% then this becomes 0.28 and 28.6% becomes 0.286.

If we are moving the decimal point to the right we are moving from a Value to a?

Moving from a smaller value to a larger value.

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If we are moving the decimal point to the right we are moving from a value to a value?

Moving from a smaller value to a larger value.

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If we are moving from a large value to a small value we move the decimal point to the left.

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by moving the decimal two place to the right.

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Number to a multiple by a positive power of 10.

If we are moving the decimal point to the right we are from a Value to a Value?

Moving from a smaller value to a larger value.