you divide the numerator by the denominator
long division then move the decimal point
You should be familiar with long division involving decimals
To work this out, you'll need a calculator. Divide 779 by 13 = 0.0166880616 This is the answer as a decimal. To turn this into a percentage, multiply it by 100: 0.166880616 x 100 = 16.6880616%, or 16.7% to 1d.p. (decimal place).
Punch in 5 divided by 9 in your calculator.
The only way, without a calculator, that I know of is long division.
you divide the numerator by the denominator
long division then move the decimal point
Why do you need a calculator?
You should be familiar with long division involving decimals
To work this out, you'll need a calculator. Divide 779 by 13 = 0.0166880616 This is the answer as a decimal. To turn this into a percentage, multiply it by 100: 0.166880616 x 100 = 16.6880616%, or 16.7% to 1d.p. (decimal place).
That is impossible
By using a calculator:)
numerator (top) divided by the denominator (bottom)
Punch in 5 divided by 9 in your calculator.
5% = 0.05
That function depends on the calculator's capabilites. Some calculators do not show fractions. They only represent fractions as a decimal value (e.g. 50% is represented in the calculator as .5). If your calculator has a fraction function, you can enter 50% then press the fraction button & it will display 1/2 (which is the lowest fraction for 50%).