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Math humor is very high level humor. You have to know math to get it.
A geographer usess math in calculating positions of land. For example, for Columbus to find his way acrost the Atlantic Ocean, he had to find wich direction to travel, this involves some math.
The sum in math is the answer of a question that involves addition. For example, the sum of '5 + 2' is '7'.
math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......
Yes everything involves math. Everything you do involves some math whether you do it voluntarily or not. Every step you take is a judgement of the distance that you wish to travel. Waking up to your alarm clock in the morning is you judging the number of hours you sleep. Everything you buy or sell involves math.
Math humor is very high level humor. You have to know math to get it.
There are a lot of comics involving math. Some of my favorites include: http://xkcd.com/ http://spikedmath.com/ http://sydneypadua.com/2dgoggles/ http://abstrusegoose.com/ http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php For a sample of each comic and for a directory of math comics that is being expanded and added to visit http://www.comicmath.com
A geographer usess math in calculating positions of land. For example, for Columbus to find his way acrost the Atlantic Ocean, he had to find wich direction to travel, this involves some math.
There is no math in meningitis. Meningitis is an inflammation, and is not mathematical in any way. Math involves numbers, and meningitis involves inflammation.
The sum in math is the answer of a question that involves addition. For example, the sum of '5 + 2' is '7'.
math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......
a nail artist
Uhhh at a comic store.
Yes everything involves math. Everything you do involves some math whether you do it voluntarily or not. Every step you take is a judgement of the distance that you wish to travel. Waking up to your alarm clock in the morning is you judging the number of hours you sleep. Everything you buy or sell involves math.
A math poem is simply what it sound like--a math poem, a poem that involves math in some way. perhaps explaining a math problem.
Computer science involves a significant amount of math, but whether it is hard to grasp for beginners depends on the individual's background and aptitude for math. Some beginners may find it challenging, while others may find it more manageable with practice and dedication.
he tells you to find the whole comic.