Math humor is very high level humor. You have to know math to get it.
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math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......
Yes everything involves math. Everything you do involves some math whether you do it voluntarily or not. Every step you take is a judgement of the distance that you wish to travel. Waking up to your alarm clock in the morning is you judging the number of hours you sleep. Everything you buy or sell involves math.
it is the something
Lacrosse is related to math because it involves degrees, and you have to know feet and measurement and stuff.
A comic's collection of humorous materials is referred to as a 'repertoire' .
a funny comic...?
There are a lot of comics involving math. Some of my favorites include: For a sample of each comic and for a directory of math comics that is being expanded and added to visit
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Comic mischief refers to playful or humorous behavior that is intended to cause minor disruptions or annoyances. It often involves lighthearted pranks, tricks, or jokes that are meant to entertain rather than cause harm or serious consequences.
A funny or humorous tone of voice or way of speaking/writing. Like the Genie on Aladdin, he speaks in a comic tone.
A comedian, a humorist, a person who laughs
Jerome Barton has written: 'Barton's comic recitations and humorous dialogues ..' -- subject(s): Humorous recitations
Synonyms for facetious are humorous, comic, droll, ribald, joking, and jocular.
comic relief
Humorous can mean two things: firstly something that is comic or funny, especially when light hearted. Secondly it can mean someone with a sense of humour.