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The numbers are 37, 38, 39 and 40.

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Q: Find a set of consecutive counting numbers whose sum is 154 Each set may consist of 2 3 4 5 or 6 consecutive integers?
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What is the schematic diagram of the real number?

It is not possible to produce a schematic diagram on this rubbish browser. But, the main hierarchy is as follows: Real numbers consist of irrational and rational numbers.Irrational numbers consist of algebraic numbers and transcendental numbers. Rational numbers consist of Integers and non-integers. Integers consist of natural (or counting) numbers and negative numbers.

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I see a pattern of consecutive integers.

Are integers counting numbers?

No- not exactly. Negative integers are not counting numbers. Positive integers are identified with counting numbers. Many authors like to start with zero as a counting number.

What is hierarchy of real numbers?

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What is 1 through 100?

Usually all the integers (counting numbers) from 1 to 100.Usually all the integers (counting numbers) from 1 to 100.Usually all the integers (counting numbers) from 1 to 100.Usually all the integers (counting numbers) from 1 to 100.

What is the hierarchy chart of real number?

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What consecutive numbers are equal to 8?

Consecutive integers added or subtracted will turn out to be odd numbers. You can't make 8 with consecutive integers.

What are two consecutive integers of 80?

There are two consecutive odd integers. The numbers are 39 and 41.

What makes 300 in 2 consecutive numbers?

Not possible in consecutive integers, nearest is consecutive even integers: 148 & 152

Another name for the positive integers is?

counting numbers

What is a another name for counting numbers?

Natural numbers or integers are other names for counting numbers.