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if x=-1 and y=3, what is the value of the expression 3x3_2xy?

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Q: Find an algebraic expression using standard formulas the rate given that the distance is 200 feet and the time is x plus 3 seconds?
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When can you say that a rational algebraic expression is in standard form?

if it convert

What is the standard form of rational algebraic expression?

something that looks like ax^2+bx+c

What refers to breaking an algebraic expression down to simplest form?

to make all the powers a standard number instead of them having a exponent.

What is the process for evaluating expressions called?

An algebraic expression is a process for evaluating expressions. Replacing variables with numerals and following a standard order of operations is used for the process.

How do you use Rene descartes mathematical formulas today?

Descartes' mathematical formulas are used frequently in geometry. His slope theory and other algebraic formulas related to the geometric plane are still the standard in mathematics and his ideas helped form the basis of modern calculus.

What is simplifying the expression?

Algebraic expressions contain alphabetic symbols as well as numbers. When an algebraic expression is simplified, an equivalent expression is found that is simpler than the original. This usually means that the simplified expression is smaller than the original. There is no standard procedure for simplifying all algebraic expressions because there are so many different kinds of expressions, but they can be grouped into three types: (a) those that can be simplified immediately without any preparation. (b) those that require preparation before being simplified. (c) those that cannot be simplified at all. <3 Tiffany ur welcome

What are the classifications of algebraic expression?

1 term = Monomial2 term = Binomial3 term = trinomialNo standard for 4, or any larger fixed number of terms, but "polynomial" is used when the number of terms is unknown.

What is this quadratic equation written in standard formx2 - 3 -3x2 plus 8x?

Without an equality sign the given terms of an algebraic expression can't be classed as an equation and so therefore a solution is not possible.

Is 2x equals 7 standard form?

It depends on what you are calling "standard form". 2x = 7 can be solved, but it is a standard form of an algebraic equation.

What is an algerbaric equation?

C = pi * d ( Cicrle Circumference) A = pi *r^(2) ( Circle Area) y = mx + c ( A Straight Line) y = ax^(2) + bx + c ( A Quadratic/parabolic). Are all algebraic EQUATIONS. An Equation MUST contain an equals (=) sign, otherwise it is an Algebraic Expression. The above are just a few standard algebraic equations. there are many more.

Y -10x-25 standard form?

There is no standard form for an expression.