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something that looks like ax^2+bx+c

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Q: What is the standard form of rational algebraic expression?
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When can you say that a rational algebraic expression is in standard form?

if it convert

How do you determine whether an expression is rational algebraic expression or not?

If the algebraic expression can be written in the form of a(x)/b(x) where a(x) and b(x) are polynomial functions of x and b(x) ≠ 0, then the expression is a rational algebraic expression.

What is -2x-3y in standard form?


What is irrational algebraic expression?

irrational expression is that wich are not rational or it can't be written in the form of p/q. such as (x)1/3

When will you know that a rational algebraic expression is in simplest form?

You will know because there are no other numbers that can go into both the numerator and denominator.

How is an algebraic expression different form an algebraic equation?

An algebraic equation contains an equality sign whereas an algebraic expression has no equality sign

What is x-15y?

It is two terms of an algebraic expression in the form of: x-15y

What is this expression as an algebraic expression cos parenthesis arccosx-arcsinx parenthesis?

The above expression cannot be expressed in an algebraic form.

When an algebraic expression has no like terms and no parentheses what is it called?

algebraic expression like terms

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What refers to breaking an algebraic expression down to simplest form?

to make all the powers a standard number instead of them having a exponent.

What is a form of algebraic expression?

Here is an algebraic equation: x2 + 5x = 37