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Just add up all four numbers, and divide their sum by 4 .

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Q: Find the average what numbers 17 18 19 14?
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How do find the median in a group of even numbers?

You average the two numbers in the middle. For example, if you have the numbers 9, 13, 17, and 20, the median is the average of 13 and 17, which is 15.

Can you find 4 consecutive numbers with a product of 57120?

The numbers are 14, 15, 16 and 17.

What is the mean of 17 14 13?

It is 14.67. To get the mean of numbers, or average, you add up all the numbers and then divide by how many numbers there are

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You obtain the mean (also known as the average) by adding up all the number, then dividing the sum by the amount of numbers you have. -The sum of the numbers you provided is (14 + 13 + 17 + 24 + 17 + 19 = 104) -The amount of numbers you have is (6) Answer: (14 + 13 + 17 + 24 + 17 + 19)/6 = 17.3 recurring (that is, 17.3333...) The mean of the six numbers is therefore 17.3 recurring.

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To find the answer multiply the two numbers. 17 yards times 14 yards is 238 square yards.

How do you find the median if there is an even amount of number's?

EXAMPLE: The last 2 remaining numbers are 14 and 17 1) list all the numbers in between the 2 numbers 14, 15, 16, 17 2) cross the 14 and 17 out 3) You are left with 15 and 16 4) the Number between these 2 numbers is 15.5 median=15.5

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17 There is an even amount of numbers, so you take the two in the middle and average them. Therefore, 17+17= 34/2= 17

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The average of these numbers is 12.7You calculate this by adding all the numbers up (which in this case equals 254) and then divide by the total number of numbers (which in this case is 20 numbers) 254 divided by 20 equals 12.7

What is the average of 17 13 10 16 14?

The average is 14.

Find x if the average of 20 17 10 18 and x is 14.?

x = 5

What are three consecutive integers adding up to 51?

First find the number which is 1/3 of 51. This is 17. Thus any three numbers which average 17 will always add up to 51. For the numbers to be consecutive and have an average of 17, the middle number must be 17 and the two remaining numbers are 17-1 and 17+1 ie 16 and 18. So the three consecutive numbers are 16, 17 and 18.

What is that average production of 9 8 14 17 17?

Average = 13