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Q: What is the maximum minimum range and median for the numbers 28 17 45 32 29 28 14 27?
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What is the range mode median maximum minimum of three?

Range = 0Mode = 3 Median = 3 Maximum = 3 Minimum = 3

What is the range Mode median maximum and minimum of 3335728291215 1130?

The range of a single number is 0.The mode, median, maximum and minimum of a single number is the number.

What does Median Maximum Minimum Range mean?

Median is the middle number (e.g., in a series of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 4 is the median) Maximum is the highest number (7 in above example) Minimum is the lowest number (1 in above example) Range is the range of numbers (1-7, or possible the difference b/w max and min = 6 - see your textbook to verify)

What is the minimum maximum range mean and median for 2.4 2.6 7.2 5.5 4.1 5.5 6.1 6.1?

Minimum: 2.4 Maximum: 6.1 Range: 3.7 Mean: 6 Median: 5.5

What is the median mode and range in math?

the median is when you put all the numbers in order from least to greatest and find the middle one the mode is the number that occurs most often and the range is the difference between the minimum and the maximum

How do you range mode and median?

Range: maximum number minus the minimum number Mode: The number that occurs the most Median: the middle number

How do you find a range in numbers?

the range of the number is the maximum minus the minimum.

Make up a set of numbers that have the following landmarks minimum 5 maximum 18 mean 12 median 8 mode 10 range 13?


Find the range of the set of numbers?

Find the minimum and maximum values from the given data. Then range is the difference between maximum and minimum values.

What are the places of all landmark?

the landmarks are mean, median, maximum, minimum and range. you could find any set of numbers and find these landmarks in them. answered by Lucy Cetifag Lousiana

what 5 numbers have a range of 8 and a median of 6?

can start by finding the minimum and maximum values. Since the range is 8, the minimum value must be 6 - (8/2) = 2 and the maximum value must be 6 + (8/2) = 10. Now we need to find 5 numbers between 2 and 10 that have a median of 6. Since there are an odd number of values, the median will be the middle value when the numbers are sorted in ascending order. Therefore, we can choose any two numbers less than 6 and two numbers greater than 6, and then include 6 as the middle value. For example, we could choose the following five numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. The range of these numbers is indeed 8, and their median is also 6. Therefore, one possible set of five numbers with a range of 8 and a median of 6 is 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.

What characteristics do data sets share when they have the same range?

The minimum and maximum are the same. The mean, median, and mode can be different.