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first step and look at it and divide it by its self and set back with a beer a wach tv like the dmmy u r lol :{)

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Q: Find the circumference use 3.14 for pie?
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How do you find radius if the circumference is 100 and you use 3.14?

By eating a pie

When do you need to use circumference?

The formula is Pie*Diameter

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter equaling with 7 centimeters in length use 314 for pi?

If you mean 3.14 for pi then the circumference is: 7*3.14 = 21.98 cm

When do you use pie?

Pie is for eating and throwing in clowns' faces.

If the circumference is 29.83 in what is the diameter?

To find this, you have to use the formula: D= C/Pie SO... D= C/Pie D= 29.83/3.14 D= 9.5 (You didn't tell me units so i can put units next to it)

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches use 3.14 for pie?

The area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches is: 7.06 square inches.

What is the radius of a circle if its circumference is about 314 feet?

You have to use the equationcircumference is equal to the radius multiplied by "pi" multiplied by twoC = 2 * π * rBecause your circumference is a known value, the only unknown value left is the radius. Simply solve the equation.314 / (2*π) = rr = 50.0 feet

What is the circumference of a circle with an area of 314 in2?

Tells you the answer is 2*sqrt(314*pi) inches, which is approximately 62.82 inches Seriously though. Use metric units in maths it makes everything just work!

Find the area of a circle with a radius of 8 meters to the nearest square meter Use 314 for?

There seems to be a typo in the problem you have...they are asking you to us 3.14 as pie or the symbol with 2 lines and a wavy line on top

The radius of the cylinder is 14 inches To find its circumference use?

Use: 2*pi*radius = circumference

A circular mat has a diameter of 20cm find its radius hence calculate the area of the mat use the value 3.14 for pie?

3.14*102 = 314 square centimeters

What type tool would you use to find the circumference of a basketball?

None just your basic nollage if you have one.. Follow this equation. Measure the radius of the ball then multiply it hypodermic or 3.14. R*R*3.13= circumference Or measure the diameter divide it by 2 then multiply it by pie D/2*R*R*3.14= Circumference... :~D