

Find the radius of a sphere?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Didn't know it was lost!

To find the radius of a sphere you first need to know what information you do have. If none, then the easiest way is to measure the volume using water displacement.

Then V = 4/3*pi*r3 so that r = cube root of 3V/4pi

The diameter is not that easy to measure because it is the distance between two parallel tangential planes to the sphere. It is very difficult to ensure that the planes are truly parallel.

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You have to cut the sphere in half and then measure across.

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The formula for the volume of a sphere is based on the radius of the sphere. It is equal to 4/3 multiplied by pi, multiplied by the radius cubed.

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you measuresit by the radius

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The surface area of the sphere with the radius doubled is 200 units2.---> Confirmed

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Use the formula for volume to solve for the radius of the sphere and then plug that radius into the formula for the surface area of a sphere.