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The formula is:

Circumference x Height (unwrap the cylinder, and you'll see why). Assuming you meant lateral surface area:

48 ft2.

But adding the 2 bases, we have:

2pi*r = 8

r*pi = 4

r = 4/pi

Thus, squaring, and multipling by pi (and 2):

16/pi2 * pi * 2 = 32/pi

32/pi + 48 = (48pi + 32)/pi, which is approximately 58.1859163579 ft2, rounded up.

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Q: Find the surface area of the cylinda the height is 6 ft and the circumference is 8ft?
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To find the lateral area of a cylinder, multiply the circumference (πd) by the height (πdh). After you have this, you can find the total surface area by adding twice the area of the base (2πr2).(Lateral area = πdh), (Surface area = πdh + 2πr2).

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height * circumference (picture the cylinder cut along the long edge, then rolled out flat, and you would measure height * width) note: if you need to include the circles at the top and bottom of the cylinder, add (circumference / 3.1415926 )^2 * 2 * 3.1415926

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