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Diameter is twice the radius.


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Q: Find the unknown diameter when radious is 1.1 ft?
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Tape measure to find the circumference and the diameter of a place. The circumference was 35 and the diameter OS 11. Find the number of diameter in the circumference.?

11 is a good approximation of the diameter. If the circumference is 35, the actual diameter is about 11.14 (35/3.1416).

What is the volume of a sphere with a radious of 11?

4/3 x pi x 113 = 5575.28

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Find the area of a circle that has a diameter of 11 inches Round your answer to the nearest hundredth?

A circle with a diameter of 11 inches has an area of 95.03 square inches.

What is the diameter of a circle if the radius is 11?

radisus: 11; diameter:22 (2X11)

How do you find the radius with a diameter of 22 inches?

Half it and so 22/2 = a radius of 11 inches

How do you find the diameter of a cylinder if the volume is 1500 and the length is 11?

To quantify the question if the volume is 1500 cubic centimeters and the length is 11 6.590 cm = r The radius of the cylinder is 6.590 centimeters. We multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter. So the diameter is 13.18 centimeters. Answered by Ask4MyTutor

What is the circumference of a circle with the diameter 11 inches is?

The circumference of a circle with the diameter 11 inches is 34.56 inches.

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 23' 11?

The circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 23' 11" is 901.64 inches.

Find the cubic feet of a 22 inch diameter 23 inch long cylinder?

about 11 cu ft

Does one measure a disco ball by it's radius or diameter?

Its usually defined by the diameter of the ball, like an 11 inch disco ball would have a diameter of 11 inches, not a radius of 11 inches.

How do you find the circumference of a circle if the radius is 11 inches?

Multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter, then diameter times pi to get the circumference.C = (pi) D = (pi) 2rC = (3.1416) x [2 x 11] = (3.1416) x 22 = about 69.1 inches