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Half it and so 22/2 = a radius of 11 inches

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Q: How do you find the radius with a diameter of 22 inches?
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If the radius of a circle is 15 inches what is the diameter?

R=D/2. If the diameter of a circle is 18 inches, the radius is 9 inches. Radius = 1/2 diameter or 9"

Diameter of 22 inches and the circumference of 1 inch what is the radius?

eleven (11) inches

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 44 inches?

A circle with a radius of 22 inches has a circumference of 138.23 inches.

How do you find the circumference of a circle if the radius is 11 inches?

Multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter, then diameter times pi to get the circumference.C = (pi) D = (pi) 2rC = (3.1416) x [2 x 11] = (3.1416) x 22 = about 69.1 inches

What is the circumference of a circle with 22 inches?

If radius = 22 inches then circumference = 138.2 inches. If diameter = 22 inches then circumference = 69.1 inches. Please help us to help you by being clearer when you ask your question.

What is the diameter of a circle with eleven as the radius?

The diameter is twice the radius (always). So the diameter will be 22.

How do you find the volume of cylinder with a diameter of 4 inches and a height of 9.5 inches?

Volume = pi*r2*h where r is the radius and h is the height. V = pi*22*9.5 = 119.4 inches3

Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 3.5 inches?

c = 22"

How do you find the radius with a circumference of 22 inches?

Circumference = 2 x π x radius ⇒ radius = circumference ÷ (2 x π) So divide the circumference by 2 x π ~= 2 x 3.14 = 6.28 ⇒ radius = 22 inches ÷ 6.28 ~= 3.5 inches. As an approximation to π (the ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter), the value 22/7 is sometimes used (to 2 decimal places 22/7 = 3.14 & π = 3.14). The circumference given as 22 inches suggests this approximation should be used: 22 ÷ (2 x 22/7) = 22 x 7/22 ÷ 2 = 7 ÷ 2 = 3.5

What is the sq ft area of 112 in diameter opening?

If the diameter is 112 inches then the radius is half that = 56 inches (assuming it's a circular object) The area is Pi times the Radius squared and lets approximate Pi to 22/7 as it works out nicely ;-) Radius = half the diameter 22/7 times 56 times 56 in square inches =9856 SQUARE INCHES to convert to square feet you divide 12*12 =144 9856/144 = 68.4444 SQUARE FEET

What is the circumference of a tree trunk whose diameter measures 22 inches?

The equation for the circumference is C=2πr, where r is the radius. So if the the radius is equal to half of the diameter, then you just do 22/2 = 11 and then C=2π(11), which equals 22π or 69.11503838.

The radius of a circular disk is 22 centimeters what is the diameter of the disk?

Diameter = 2*Radius So, in this case, diameter = 44 cm