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The volume is 3500000/3 π mm3 ~=3665191 mm3 (~= 3.67 litres).

A cylinder normally has a constant cross section. What you have is a cone with the top chopped off, thus its volume is the volume of the whole cone minus the volume of the top cone:

The diameter reduces from 200mm to 100mm (that is 100mm) in 200mm height so it will reduce from 100mm to 0mm (that is a further 100mm) in a further 200mm height. So the "whole" cone has a height of 200mm+200mm = 400mm and the "top" cone has a height of 200mm.

The volume of a cone is 1/3πr2h, so the volume of the "cylinder" is:

volume = volume_whole_cone - volume_top_cone

= 1/3π(200 ÷ 2)2400 mm3 - 1/3π(100 ÷ 2)2200 mm3

= 200/3π(1002x2 - 502) mm3

= 3500000/3 π mm3

~= 3665191 mm3

~= 3665 cm3

= 3.665 litres.

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Q: Find the volume of cylinder having top dia 100mm and bottom dia 200mm with height 200mm?
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