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Q: For two sets the set of all elements that are in either set?
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What is for two sets the set of all elements that are in either set?

That is called the UNION of the two sets.

What for two sets is the set of all elements that are in either set?

The union of a collection of sets is defined as the set of all distinct elements that are in the collection. This includes the specific case where the collection consists of two sets.

What does aUb mean in math?

The union of sets A and B, that is, the set of all elements that are either in A or B (or both).

In math what does the union of two sets mean?

The union of two sets A and B is a set that consists of all elements which are either in A, or in B or in both.

What is it when you have all the elements in two or more sets?

The set of elements that are elements of the two (or more) given sets is called the intersection of the sets.

Why all sets have at least one element?

That's not true. All sets have zero or more elements. You can have a set with zero elements - the "empty set".

What ways can you write a set?

Basically two ways: either by listing all the elements, or by specifying some rule for elements to be included. Listing all the elements only makes sense for finite sets.

What is the Set of elements that belongs to at least two different set?

This set is known as the union of two or more sets, which comprises all unique elements that are present in at least one of the sets. These elements are shared between the sets and are not duplicated within the union set.

What are the 4 basic operations on set?

A set is a collection of well defined objects known as elements Opperatons of sets are 1)union - the union of sets A and B is the set that contains all elements in A and all elements in B. intersection - given two sets A and B, the intersection of A and B is a set that contains all elements in common between A and B. compliments - given set A, A compliment is the set of all elements in the universal set but not in A difference - A-B is a set containing all elements in A that are not in B. symmetric difference - it is the sum of A and B minus A intersection B.

What is the union set?

The union of two sets, X and Y, is the set containing all the elements that are either in X or in Y or in both. Duplicate entries are usually removed.

What are examples of subsets?

For example, if you take the set A = {1, 2}, then the following sets are all subsets of it: {}, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}. That is, all the sets that fulfill the condition that all of its elements are also elements of the set "A".

What is two method of writing set?

You can specify a set either by listing all of its members (not an option for sets that are very large or even infinite), or by specifying some rule for elements to be a part of the set.