That's not true. All sets have zero or more elements. You can have a set with zero elements - the "empty set".
It is a mapping. The information provided is not sufficient to determine if it is a function, an inverse function or neither.
Two sets are equal if they have the same elements. Two sets are equivalent if there is a bijection from one set to the other. that is, each element of one set can be mapped, one-to-one, onto elements of the second set.
An element in the set A or B is one that is in the union of the two sets. It can be in A or B or both.
It is the multiplicative identity of numbers in most sets. It can also mean the "most important" element or member.
It is the multiplicative identity of numbers in most sets. It can also mean the "most important" element or member.
In math joint sets are contain at least one element in common. An example of joint sets are {1,3,8,4} and {3,9,1,7}.
There is, because {0} has one element, 0. The set {0} therefore can have infinite sets, providing that, all sets are either null or has one element, 0.
It has a different amount of protons, nuetrons and electrons than any other element's atom.
The Lego Town series is one of the largest sets of all the Lego sets. There are a variety of sets in the Lego Town series of all kinds. There are at least 644 sets included in the Lego Town Series.
It has a different amount of protons, nuetrons and electrons than any other element's atom.
It has a different amount of protons, nuetrons and electrons than any other element's atom.
A compound consists of at least two elements chemically bonded together.
This set is known as the union of two or more sets, which comprises all unique elements that are present in at least one of the sets. These elements are shared between the sets and are not duplicated within the union set.
Humans need relationships with other people to be happy for the most part.
It is a mapping. The information provided is not sufficient to determine if it is a function, an inverse function or neither.
It is possible for all nine lines to be perpendicular to at least one other line.
The word is used in the context of sets and mappings. A mapping is a relationship between two sets. To each element in one set, the domain, the mapping allocated one element in the other set, the co-domain or range.