Real depth Dr= Apparent depth/ refractive index of water
Dr= Da / n water
usage of herons formula in real life
When we study the motion of body then its displacement is described on cartesian plane or in 3d geometry and not in real physical conditions,in this way to calculate the distance travelled by the body is a major aspect in calculating its speed and other things,and here distance formula help us to do so.There are many other importance of distance formula...
Real GDP/Capita
real life using of gradient
If the discriminant of b2-4ac in the quadratic equation formula is less than zero then the equation will have no real roots.
The apparent depth of an object submerged in water can be calculated using the formula: apparent depth = real depth / refractive index. Since the refractive index of water is approximately 1.33, the apparent depth of an object 5 meters below the water surface would be around 3.76 meters.
Real depth is the actual distance between two points in a medium, while apparent depth is the distance between those points as perceived by an observer due to the bending of light. Apparent depth is affected by the refractive index of the medium, causing objects to appear closer or further away than they actually are.
The centrifugal force is an apparent (ficticious) force, caused by a rotational movement. The amount of the apparent centrifugal force can be calculated by the same formula as the amount of the real centripetal force.
The real gas formula used to calculate the behavior of gases under non-ideal conditions is the Van der Waals equation.
Real means existing in fact Apparent means obvious
To calculate kilovolt-amps (kVA) when kilowatts (kW) is known, you can use the formula: kVA = kW / power factor. The power factor is the ratio of real power (kW) to apparent power (kVA) in an electrical circuit.
A profitable in real estate investment can be calculated using the following formula: Return on investment (ROI)=(gain from investment-cost of investment)/cost of investment.
To calculate copy number from real-time PCR data, you can use the formula: Copy number 2(Ct reference - Ct target) where Ct is the cycle threshold values obtained from the PCR amplification curves of the reference and target genes. This formula helps determine the relative quantity of the target gene compared to the reference gene.
Light coming from the fish under water deviate from its original path due to refraction phenomenon and its image is displaced from its actual position. The image of fish is appeared at shallower depth than its actual depth
Real Power: The actual power in Watts or K-Watts in AC or DC Circuits Apparent power: The Power in Inductive or Capacitive Circuits have Phase Lag & Lead measured in Volt Amperes VA or Kilo Volt Amperes KVA
A VAr meter only measures the reactive (imaginary) power. Apparent power is a combination of real and reactive power; thus having a VAr meter will not suffice to measure apparent power. Likewise, because the VAr meter only measures reactive power, it does not provide any information on real power.
A traveling microscope is a type of microscope that has a moveable stage, allowing for precise measurement and observation of small objects or samples. Its uses include measuring small distances, determining the thickness of an object, examining small details, and calibrating other instruments.