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Q: Galileo found that a ball rolling down one inclined plane would roll how far up another inclined plane?
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1 Galileo found that a ball rolling down one incline will pick up enough speed to roll up another How high will it roll compared to its initial height?

Ignoring friction, It will roll to its initial height. In practice, due to friction and other effects, it will not get to the height but somewhat less.

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Galileo Galilei found it.

How Galileo found Jupiter?

he didn't he found some moon but not Jupiter

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What did Galileo discover while under house arrest?

He developed a hypothesis for the motion of physics by using a ball and an incline. He found that when a ball rolls down an incline, it accelerates towards the bottom of the incline. When a ball rolls up an incline, it decelerates. And when a ball is on a flat surface, it moves at a constant speed because a force acts downwards in the vertical direction. As Newton discovered after Galileo died, this particular force is gravity. It is also the force responsible for the acceleration and deceleration of a ball while rolling down and rolling up an incline, respectively.On a double incline, Galileo found that a ball returns to the same vertical height that it was released from. (see what a double incline is, and you'll get it)Also, he found that neither the angle nor the total distance travelled of a rolling ball matters, only vertical height.So in contrast to Aristotle's previous theory that the natural state of objects is at rest, Galileo discovered that the proper state of motion is not at rest, but to continue in its current state of motion. Galileo's experiments with the motion of balls is the basis for Newton's law of inertia (or his first law of motion).

What did Galileo find?

Galileo found that the earth revolved around the sun and that it wasn't the center of the universe. He invented the telescope.

What was the most important contribution Galileo Galileo made to modern science?

He found the Galiliean Moons and improved the telescope.

Who first found the moon?

Galileo, i think

What is Jupiter's history?

it was found by galileo a great scientist