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Q: Gilbert was thinking of a number. He doubled it and added 5. What equation shows how to find his original number if the result was 29?
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yes, if it is in brackets and the equation is doubled. (These are the words of my grade 12 teacher)

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4 times its original momentum. The equation for momentum is: m*v=p So, doubling mass and velocity gives: 2m*2v=4p

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Doubled # = original# * 2^(times it doubles)

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That if the original amplitude was A then it is now 2*A.

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Surface Area becomes 4 times the original when its edges are doubled because Suraface area = (edge)^2

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The exact same as the original triangle.

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The centripetal force required for a body in uniform circular motion is given by Fc = (mv^2) / r, where m is the mass, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the circle. If the mass is doubled, the centripetal force needed will also double based on the equation.