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the result of throwing a dice and the result of taking a card from a deck at the same time

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Q: Give examples of two events that are independent?
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Which is a pair of independent events?

Two events are independent if the outcome of one has no effect on the probability of the outcomes for the other.

How do you find the probability of two distincve events?

It depends on whether or not the events are independent.

If an events occurrence has no impact on another event those two events are?


What are dependent and independent probability in math terms?

Two events are said to be independent if the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other. Their probabilities are independent probabilities. If the events are not independent then they are dependent.

Are rolling two dice independent events?

Yes, they are.

What is the probability of two independent events occurring together?

The probability of two independent events occurring together is the product of both events. yw lazy odyssey users like me :)

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Independent events with a probability of zero

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Two independent events occurring.

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When the probability of one event occurred is not affected by a second event having already occurred the two events are said to be?

The two events are said to be independent.