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I used to be a medical secretary and had patients, expecially where we knew each other well, call me regarding their billing. I worked with a lot of elderly, so many of them didn't understand the billing, let alone they weren't always able to explain their questions or concerns to the billing department very well. I would listen to their questions, all the while telling them that I am not able to help them completely, and would tell them that I will speak with the billing department myself on their behalf. When speaking with the billing department I would let them know that there is a person who is having trouble with their bill, and explain to them what the situation is more clearly than what they would've been able to do. Then if the biller had questions they'd asked me and I would answer what I could with what information I had. If I needed to I would call the patient back and ask the question in a way they would understand. Doing it this way took longer, and took up a lot of my time, however, I didn't mind and it was benificial for my elderly patients (many with dementia & alzheimers) because their situation got cleared up with little frustration. Some of the Medicare items were confusing to them, and they didn't know how to present their question, or know what questions to even ask to resolve the issue. So, in short I played an advocate for that patient. I wanted them to not be frustrated and worry about their bills, or getting a Rx. Sometimes I would even help with their Rx, and call their pharmacy to clarify those items too. They really appreciated it, and told me on many occasions that it comforted them knowing that someone was there that was willing to help. Hearing that meant a lot to me, and made me want to help more.

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Q: Give me an example when you helped someone As a medical secretary with a billing problem?
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So You Want to Be a Medical Billing Specialist?

Interested in working behind the scenes in a medical or private setting? Then training to become a medical billing specialist may be just the thing. Medical billing coders submit and follow up on claims so that medical providers receive payment for services. The work is part computer specialist, terminology whiz, and medical detective. Outlined below are some of the job characteristics and requirements. Medical billing specialists usually graduate from accredited schools. Though to date there are no set standards for educational requirements, most medical billing coders train for 9-24 months. Students learn medical terminology, human anatomy, and coding practices. In addition, a medical billing specialist needs to type at least 35 wpm, enjoy working on computers, and be able to learn new computer programs quickly. Billing coders are not considered proficient until they have at least two years of work experience. Not everyone has what it takes to be a medical billing specialist. As in any career, there are certain personality characteristics that a coding specialist should have. For example, medical billers need to be able to work independently, be detailed oriented, have the ability to critically assess medical charts, and like to problem solve. Often, medical billing specialists find that a nurse, doctor, or lab technician has not made their procedures clear. In that case, the billing specialist needs to track down the person to get a clearcut answer. In addition, they need to be able to sort through thousands of numerical five digit codes contained in the standardized Current Procedures Terminology Database. The job outlook for medical billing specialists is excellent. Medical billing coders are in high demand as government and insurance companies require increasingly specific and accurate information. These agencies need to control costly errors, fraud, and misuse. Well trained and experienced medical billing specialists eventually earn excellent salaries though the pay scale for beginners is less good. For those who meet the above standards, a career in medical billing can be lucrative and rewarding. Medical billing coders can work in a variety of settings from hospital to home, and can always find a job wherever they go. For those who like to be medical detectives, this may be the perfect job.

What is the medical billing code 99201 for?

code is CPT E/M office or other outpatient service; new patient 99201 office or other outpatient visit 3 components a problem focused history a problem focuses exam straightforward medical decision making

What is the medical billing code 99283used for?

99283 is a CPT code for an: Emergency department visit for the evaluation and management of a new or established patient with an expanded problem focused history and examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity.

What is the Cpt code number for addictive disorder?

I am new to cpt code use for medical billing insurance and have a problem finding the cpt code for addictive disorder (opiate treatment program).

What is an example of a medical-legal problem?

Medical law is the branch of law that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems. The best example would be a malpractice lawsuit claiming negligence. See related link.

Which is example of gaining awareness about a health problem?

having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

Which is an example of gaining awareness about a health problem?

having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

Which is an example of gaining awareness a health problem?

having your cholesterol checked during a medical checkup

What is the importance of follow up in medical practices?

Following up on unpaid insurance claims is one of the most important responsibilities for medical billing companies or the Medical billing specialists at the doctors office. Without timely follow up on unpaid or underpaid claims, the Accounts receivables for the medical practice will quickly get out of control. The most important reason to follow up on unpaid claims is to find out early why the claims have not paid and fix the problem so the cash flow to the practice is not severely affected. Most insurance companies have timely filing limits that must be met or you lose the right to receive payment for that claim.

What is the medical billing code 99202?

CPT Code 99202 - Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient, which requires these 3 key components:An expanded problem focused history;An expanded problem focused examination; andStraightforward medical decision making.Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs.Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of low to moderate severity. Physicians typically spend 20 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family.

What is the medical billing code 99212?

CPT Code 99212- Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires at least 2 of these 3 key components:A problem focused history;A problem focused examination;Straightforward medical decision making.Counseling and/or coordination of care with other providers or agencies are provided consistent with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's and/or family's needs.Usually, the presenting problem(s) are self limited or minor. Physicians typically spend 10 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family