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Q: What is an example of an analytic problem?
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What is analytic thinking?

analytic reasoning is the ability to reason through a problem using entirely your mind

What is an analytic continuation?

An analytic continuation is an extension of an analytic function which is itself analytic, or the practice of extending analytic functions.

What is an continuance?

An analytic continuation is an extension of an analytic function which is itself analytic, or the practice of extending analytic functions.

Is probable a synonym for analytic?

No. Probable means that a particular outcome is likely. Probability means the analytic likelihood of a particular outcome. Analysis (analytic, i.e. the method) means, for example, the evaluation of the outcomes to determine how well the experimental probability aligns with the theoretical probability.

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Is modern English analytic or synthetic?


Can you get a sentence with the word analytic?

The professor had an analytic mind.

Which is easier to construct analytic or holistic?

Holistic is easier than analytic.

What is The Analytic Sciences Corporation's population?

The population of The Analytic Sciences Corporation is 5,000.