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Q: Give you examples of finite sets of numbers?
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Related questions

What are sets of finite?

They are numbers that terminate.

What are the examples of finite and infinite sets in your daily life?

The set of your friends is finite. The set of counting numbers (part of which you will use to count your friends) is infinite.

What is finite sets?

A finite set is a set that has numbers you can count. Its not like infinite with no end it has an end.

What are examples of finite and infinite sets?

Some finite numbers in a set: the number of digits on your hand, the number of seats on a bus, and the number of people on earth. Some infinite numbers in a set: the number of positive integers and the number of digits in pi.

What are finite sets?

They are sets with a finite number of elements. For example the days of the week, or the 12 months of the year. Modular arithmetic is based on finite sets.

What do you call a set of numbers with an exact number of points?

This is called a discrete set (all points isolated) or a finite set. Finite sets are always discrete.

What is the kinds of sets?

Closed sets and open sets, or finite and infinite sets.

Is the union of finite countable sets finite?


What is the two kind of sets?

Closed sets and open sets, or finite and infinite sets.

What are the finite or infinite sets?

A finite set is one containing a finite number of distinct elements. The elements can be put into a 1-to-1 relationship with a proper subset of counting numbers. An infinite set is one which contains an infinite number of elements.

What is kind of set?

Closed sets and open sets, or finite and infinite sets.

What the kinds of set?

Closed sets and open sets, or finite and infinite sets.