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The mean is now: (74+76+77+78+79+80+80+82+84)/9 = 78.889. Since 50 is an outlier, the overall representation of the test score becomes more accurate since the majority of values lie between 74 and 84.

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Q: Here are 10 test scores 50 74 76 77 78 79 80 80 82 84 The mean of these scores is 76 How does removing the outlier 50 affect the mean?
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Here are test scores for five students 79 79 81 82 and 84 Which statement below is true?


How did traditional Roman values affect both the rise and the downfall of the Roman Republic?

here follow the Roman values affect both the rise and the downfall so explain about rise and downfall and may it would be the best answer ... try it out

C program to find weighted arithmetic mean?

Type your answer here... #include #include #define NULL 0 FILE*scores; main() { int scores[50]; int numberOfScores = 0; /*Function Definitions*/ void readFile (int a[], &int); void calculateMean (int a[]); void sortArray (int a[], int); void calculateMedian (int a[]); void calculateMode (int a[]); } /*Read the file with scores*/ void readFile (int a[], &numberOfScores); { int flag = TRUE; scoresFile = fopen("scores.txt","r"); if(scoresFile multi[k][0] { multi[k][1] = multi[k][1] + 1; } } } higher = multi[0][1]; for(j=0; j<50; j++) { if(higher , multi[j][1]) higher= multi[j][1]l } printf("Mode of the scores: %d", higher); }

Why 15 30 40 for a game?

The scoring is based on the scoring rules of real tennis. Real, here, refers to royal as opposed to fake. I real tennis, the scores were 15, 30 and 45 but the last got shortened to 40 in the "new" game of lawn tennis. Read more on real tennis at link.

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Probability is a subset of number theory. A huge branch of mathematics. It is not possible here to explain the ramifications of probability. Many of which are contrary to what appears to be common sense. Probability is used by insurance companies for instance.

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