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Q: How Distribution involves the outbound flow of product from the distribution center to?
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What is extensive distribution?

Making a product widely available..... Opposite to selective distribution.....associated with market penetration

What considerations determine physical distribution of a product?

manufacturers need to review issues such as distribution objectives, product transportation, and product warehousing. Choosing the mode of transportation requires an understanding of each possible method:

What is the difference between intensive distribution and exclusive distribution?

the different intensive is when you sell your product all over the stores that sell the smiler prduct to yous.

What does indirect distribution mean?

In marketing the channels of distribution have many intermediary is called indirect distribution where the firm supplies to the consumer customer not directly but via multiple channels system through a third party eliminating all responsibilities of the product and services...

What are the uses of Normal Distribution?

The normal distribution is very important in statistical analysis. A considerable amount of data follows a normal distribution: the weight and length of items mass-produced usually follow a normal distribution ; and if average demand for a product is high, then demand usually follows a normal distribution. It is possible to show that when the sample is large, the sample mean follows a normal distribution. This result is important in the construction of confidence intervals and in significance testing. In quality control procedures for a mean chart, the construction of the warning and action lines is based on the normal distribution.

Related questions

What are the two components of distribution?

The two components of distribution are supply chain management and physical distribution. Supply chain management is the process of managing all activities required to transform raw materials into finished product for consumption or sale. Physical distribution involves the process of moving product from the finish line to the end user.

What is intensive selective and exclusive dsitribution?

Intensive distribution involves placing a product in as many outlets as possible. Selective distribution involves selling a product through a limited number of outlets. Exclusive distribution involves granting exclusive rights to sell a product to one or a limited number of resellers.

What is Distribution chain?

A distribution chain is the step by step route taken from the producer or manufacturer of a product to the end consumer of the product.

What are the role of distribution channel in marketing?

The distribution channel in marketing is essential to link the product to the consumer. The way in which a product is promoted, stored and distributed all contributes to it's distribution channel.

What is channel distribution?

Channels of distribution means the units a product goes through, from a manufacturer to a customer. Usually through every channel or unit the product goes through, the cost of the product is raised by the organization as profit to itself. By zero channels of distribution this means the product goes from the producer- customer directly By 1 channels of distribution means the product goes from maybe the producer-retailer- customer By 2 channels of distribution the product goes from producer- agent- retailer- customer By 3 channels of distribution the product goes from producer- agent- wholesaler- retailer- customer

What involves determining how a product will flow through the distribution channel from producer to consumer?

One of the main determinants to how products flow through distribution is their packaging and their potential to spoil. Products like food will move faster when they have the potential to rot.

What is extensive distribution?

Making a product widely available..... Opposite to selective distribution.....associated with market penetration

Channel of distribution for agricultural product?

A channel of distribution for agriculture is how the product goes from the grower or producer to the buyer. Possible channels of distribution include ginning facilities, millers, retailers, wholesalers, animal producers, governments, and traders.

What are the roles of distribution channels in marketing of products?

describe the types of distribution channels that can be use in the marketing of a product or service

How do the level of product distribution differ?

The level of product distribution can differ based on factors such as the number of intermediaries involved, the geographical reach of distribution, and the intensity of distribution channels used. For example, a product with intensive distribution will be available at many outlets, while a product with exclusive distribution will be available at limited outlets. Ultimately, the level of distribution selected depends on factors like the target market, product characteristics, and marketing objectives.

What is marketing description?

Describe the target market and company position in it including information about the market product performance, competition and distribution. This also involves market description, product or business review.

What is the application of normal distribution curve in quality control?

If the underlying distribution of the product is normally distributed then (and only then) the normal distribution can be used to identify specimens that are outside the acceptable range.