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Q: How To Create Pyramid 1 11 121 1221 12321 In C?
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#include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "1 121 12321 1234321" << std::endl; return 0; }

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21 The pattern is 121, 12321, 1234321

What is a palindrome in maths?

A number that reads the same backwards as it does forwards. For example 1357531, or 121.

What is a perfect square palindrome?

121, 484, 12321, 1234321, 123454321, 12345654321, 1234567654321, 123456787654321, 1234567897654321, 1002001, 10201, 100020001, 10000200001, 1000002000001

What are palindromic numerical sequences?

Palindromic numerical sequences are series of numbers that read the same when read either forward or backward, such as: 6 121 474 12321 22522 459878954

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What is the magic 11 trick?

1x1=1 11x11=121 111x111=12321 1111x1111=1234321 11111x11111=123454321 There is another 11 trick. 11 *11 ok so you always put the 11 on top. Then the number on the bottom. The first digit goes on the left. then leave a space for the middle number. Then the second digit and put it in the right spot. Then add those together and put that numbe rinto the middle spot! ----- 121

How do you print 1 121 1331 14641 in c?

#include#includevoid main(){clrscr();for (int i=1;i

How many numbers in a palindrome?

One. If you mean "digits", the number can have any amount of digits; the only requirement to be called a "palindrome" is that if you read it backwards, you get the same sequence of digits. Thus, any of the following is a palindrome: 1 (any 1-digit number is a palindrome), 55, 121, 2002, 12321, 600006, 8105018, ... As you can see, you can make them arbitrarily large.

What is eleven to the third power?

11 to the third power just means 11 times 11 times 11(or three elevens). 11*11*11=1331 here's a cool thing about numbers with ones like eleven 11*11=121 111*111=12321 1111*1111=1234321 11111*11111=123454321 etc...

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121 cubed = 121 x 121 x 121 = 1,771,561