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#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "1 121 12321 1234321" << std::endl;

return 0;


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Q: What is the code in c plus plus which gives output 1 121 12321 1234321?
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There is no generic code to change the typeface of the console output, nor indeed any output window. To change the typeface you must use platform-specific code. That is, the code required to change the output typeface in Windows is completely different to that of Unix-based systems.

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relocatable code is code where final output of the assembly phase,ready to be used an input to loader. self relocatable is the code where output of the code is ready to use any point

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Decreased urine output is also known as Oliguria. Renal malfunctions or dehydration can cause Oliguria. The ICD-9 code for decreased urine output/oliguria is 788.5.

Why is object code necessary?

Object code is necessary, because object code is the actual instructions, or machine language, that the computer executes. Object code is the output of the compiler, as it translates the higher level language into the machine language. It is also the output of the linker, as it combines object code modules from the compiler output and the various libraries in its process of building a fully linked load module.

How can you unlock your grand marquis mercury using your keypad?

By using the proper code - like 12321 or whatever your code is. You put the code in and then press 1-2 to open doors 3-4 to open back doors and 5-6 to open the trunk. When exiting you press 7-8 and 9-0 together to lock everything.

How can you found color code for CZL-601?

Red: Input ( + ) Black: Input ( - ) Green: Output ( + ) White: Output ( - )

What is the output of the parser from a compiler?

The output of an assembler is a part or all of a product. An assembler can work in a variety of manufacturing operations with the right training.

Is binary code an input or output device?

Binary code is not a device. It is a numerical representation of data.

How do you create a program that will display output?

It must use a function with a "return" statement. Or you could output via console. (.NET CODE(C#)) Console.WriteLine("Output.");