Divide your speed in miles per hour (mph or mi/h) or kilometers per hour (kph or km/h) by 360 to get your miles per second (mi/s) or kilometers per second (km/s).
Type your answer here... If the vehicle is traveling at 45 mph, mph = miles per hour. In 4 hours it would travel 4 x 45 = 180 miles.
Can't answer without the distance to target.
How far does a car traveling at 25 mph go in 1 second25 miles / hour = 25 x 5,280 feet per hour = 132,000 feet per hour132,000 / 60 minutes per hour = 2200 feet per minute2,200 feet / 60 seconds per minute = 36.66 feet per second
The moon's distance from Earth doesn't depend on the speed of the vehicle. It's still averages about 238,000 miles.
70 mp(hour) / 60 = 1.167 mp(minute)1.167 mp(minute) / 60 = 0.019 mp(second)0.019 mp(second) * 3 seconds = .0583 miles
You travel 51.3 feet per second.
An ATV traveling at 1 mph in 1 second will cover a distance of approximately 0.00147 feet or 0.00045 meters.
thousands of feet
If you are actually in your car, check the spedometer. That will tell you your instantaneous velocity; that is, distance traveled per second.If this is a calculus question and you are given the function of your position with respect to time, simply take the derivative of your function and evaluate your derivative at the time at which you would like to determine your instantaneous velocity.Alternatively and more unlikely, you can integrate your acceleration function and solve for your antiderivative based on an initial value given by the context of the problem.
300 Feet.
Type your answer here... If the vehicle is traveling at 45 mph, mph = miles per hour. In 4 hours it would travel 4 x 45 = 180 miles.
Far and wide is a term to mean traveling untold distance
Can't answer without the distance to target.
How far does a car traveling at 25 mph go in 1 second25 miles / hour = 25 x 5,280 feet per hour = 132,000 feet per hour132,000 / 60 minutes per hour = 2200 feet per minute2,200 feet / 60 seconds per minute = 36.66 feet per second
The basic answer to your question is to divide the number of miles along the route from Atlanta to Dallas by the number of miles you get from a tank of gas. Easy! First, how far is it? Select a route and determine its length. If you've found WikiAnswers, you can find MapQuest. Second, determine your vehicle's fuel efficiency ('mpg,' or miles per gallon). Third, find out how much fuel your vehicle will hold. Multiply your vehicle's 'mpg' rating by its fuel capacity. The result is your vehicle's 'range.' Then divide the length of your route by your vehicle's 'range' to find how many tanks of gas it will take. Simple arithmetic!
in simple terms yes it does effect how far an object travels but it depends how it is traveling what gravity its traveling in and so on.