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Q: How add and subtracting is done to makethe mantissa positive?
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Negative integer is subtracted from a negative integer?

Subtracting a negative is like adding a positive.

If you subtract a positive from a negative what do you get?

A negative, since subtracting a positive is equivalent to moving left done the number line. Since we start left of 0 on the number line, it is only possible to end left of it after subtraction, resulting in a negative. Since the subtraction is the opposite of addition, to subtract a positive really means that you are adding a negative. So you are adding two negatives which gives you a negative sum.

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What is the difiinition of subtracting fraction and mixed numbers?

when people subtract and when there done turn it in to a mixed number.

Is the work done by the system is considered as positive or on the system is considered as positive?

In thermodynamics, work done by the system is considered positive. Work done on the system is considered negative.

What is positive work done?

POSITIVE work is done when the direction of displacement and gravitational force is same. This makes an angle of zero degrees. Fd?FScos0 equals +1. The work done is positive.

How do you determine a work done is positive sign or negative sign?

If work is done on the system then it has a negative sign. If work is done by the system then it has a positive sign.

What could be a problem solved for subtracting a lesser integer number from a greater integer that will give you a negative or zero?

It can't be done!

How do you divide exponents of the same base?

By subtracting the two exponents from each other.NOTE: can only be done if the base is the same, like 23/21=22Also, make sure to subtract in the correct order, taking the top exponent and subtracting the one beneath it.

Is it hard to be a cashier?

It is not very hard to be a cashier. All of the adding, subtracting and other computations are done electronically, so yes, that makes it easier.

A child who can understand adding and subtracting by using blocks, but cannot think logically about these abstract concepts when done with numbers on paper, is probably in the stage?

Preoperational :)

How can scientific notation be done by?

Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the forma*10^b where 1