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Q: How are adding and subtracting integers different from positive numbers?
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How is adding to negative integers the same as and different from subtracting two positive integers?

No- adding negative numbers is like adding positive numbesr , except the answer is negative.

What is similar to subtracting two positive integers?

Subtracting two positive fractional numbers, or adding one positive and one negative integer.

What is adding and subtracting integers?

Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative. Therefore, adding and subtracting integers would be adding and subtracting whole numbers. Examples: 8+2 -8+2 8-2 -8-2

What are the rules for adding and subtracting integers?

when you add two positive integers the answer is always positive when you add two negative integers the answer is positive when you add one negative and on positive integer, the answer is negative subtracting two negative numbers gets a negative answer subtracting two positive numbers- the answer depends subtracting a negative and positive number- the answer depends, the positive number would have to be bigger than the negative to achieve a negative number, and if the positive number is less, than the answer is still negative

What is the definition of adding and subtracting integers?

adding and subtracting integers is when you add and minus 2 numbers

How do you add or subtract integers with a different sign?

Adding two numbers with different signs means subtracting the two absolute integers (without sign) and vice versa.

How do signed numbers differ from integers?

Positive signed numbers with have a + Positive integers will not.

How do you compare integers with positive numbers?

Some integers are positive numbers.Some integers are not positive numbers.Some positive numbers are integers.Some positive numbers are not integers.They are two sets whose intersection is the set of counting numbers.

Is positive integers belong to natural numbers?

Positive integers are (not is!) a proper subset of natural numbers. The natural numbers comprise positive integers and zero.

How are integers and natural numbers different?

Integers are all positive and negative whole numbers, and natural numbers are all positve whole numbers including zero. So, natural numbers is a subset of integers.

Are positive and negative numbers integers?

yes integers are all numbers negative and positive

When two different prime numbers are multiplied can the product be a negative integer?

Since prime numbers are defined as positive integers, any product of prime numbers will be positive.