In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
decimals are a part of our daily life because they are used to separate dollars from cents.
Any time you receive change.
daily life use in geomatry
No, I don't own one so I can't use one in my daily life.
Decimals are very important in daily life let us know a few of the reasons why they are so important:- 1.People say the weight of food using decimals like "give me 4.5 kilograms of flour". 2.It is also used in naming an amount of money exmaple 35.21 paise. 3.Artists need to use decimals for many things - there's the size of the page, the thickness of the pen, and the angle of objects to consider. 4.Doctors and nurses use decimals all the time - where your health is concerned, it's important to be accurate, and decimals allow for more precision than whole numbers do. Your body temperature is rarely given in whole numbers, either.
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
price of goods
decimals are a part of our daily life because they are used to separate dollars from cents.
money uses decimals
You can use decimals in money.
Any time you receive change.
When you go shopping you have to deal with the whole amount and partial amount. If your in London, you have Pound's (£) and Penny's (p).
money, medicine
You use decimals on a daily basis when you handle money - if you live in a country that has cents, pennies, or something similar. The pennies are simply decimals of the larger unit - for example, in the United States, 57 cents are US$ 0.57.
Something like counting money