

How are books classified?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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It is classified through the use of Dewey Decimal System, first published in 1876. The current system is linked below if you want to see all of the different classifications.

Here are the basics of the classification system:
000-099 General works (encyclopedias and similar works) 100-199 Philosophy (how people think and what they believe 200-299 Religion (including mythology and religions of the world) 300-399 Social Sciences (folklore and legends, government, manners and customs, vocations) 400-499 Language (dictionaries, grammars) 500-599 Pure science (mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, nature study) 600-699 Technology (applied sciences - aviation, building, engineering, homemaking) 700-799 Arts (Photography, drawing, painting, music, sports) 800-899 Literature (plays, poetry) 900-999 History (ancient and modern, geography, travel)

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What are the two systems by which books are classified?

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Why Classification is necessary in a library?

If books were not classified then you could possibly search through every book until you found the one you want.With classification you know where to find books about aardvarks or books about iambic pentameter.

When will CNG be published?

There has not been a classified date, but her books should be published in 2020, or earlier. This will be updated when I find out

What are the different classifications of the books?

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