1. One way is to show the relationship between different components such as a
resistor and a coil. That would be R+iXL. This shows that the coil impedence is
90 degrees out of phase with R resistance.
2. Another way we can use complex numbers is as an aid to visualize the complex
fields around two conductors carrying current.
Please refer to the RELATED LINK for a picture.
Various engineering fields will use them. Electricity and electronics.
A complex number is any number that can be represented in the form of a+bi, the real numbers are a and b, the imaginary number is i. Complex numbers are used in scientific and engineering fields.
Real and Complex. Real numbers are your everyday numbers that most people are familiar with and Complex numbers are Real numbers mixed with imaginary numbers. Of course this is a VERY BROAD oversimplification, and the question is somewhat vague in that there are other "types" of numbers that are used, but I think this is the answer you are looking for.
Complex numbers are a proper superset of real numbers. That is to say, real numbers are a proper subset of complex numbers.
They are frequently used in Engineering applications.
Various engineering fields will use them. Electricity and electronics.
A complex number is any number that can be represented in the form of a+bi, the real numbers are a and b, the imaginary number is i. Complex numbers are used in scientific and engineering fields.
I suggest asking separate questions for complex numbers, and for matrices. Complex numbers are used in a variety of fields, one of them is electrical engineering. As soon as AC circuits are analyzed, it turns out that complex numbers are the natural way to do this.
Complex numbers are basically "numbers in two dimensions". You can extend them to more dimensions; one superset that is sometimes used is the quaternions, which are numbers in four dimensions.
Real and Complex. Real numbers are your everyday numbers that most people are familiar with and Complex numbers are Real numbers mixed with imaginary numbers. Of course this is a VERY BROAD oversimplification, and the question is somewhat vague in that there are other "types" of numbers that are used, but I think this is the answer you are looking for.
Complex math covers how to do operations on complex numbers. Complex numbers include real numbers, imaginary numbers, and the combination of real+imaginary numbers.
The concept of conjugate is usually used in complex numbers. If your complex number is a + bi, then its conjugate is a - bi.
Complex numbers are a proper superset of real numbers. That is to say, real numbers are a proper subset of complex numbers.
They are frequently used in Engineering applications.
No. Complex numbers is the highest set of numbers you can go, and there are no sets outside of complex numbers.
The imaginary axis is used in the definition of the complex numbers. Complex numbers are used in many fields in engineering, in particular - electric engineering, aerodynamics, acoustics etc.
Imaginary numbers are a mathematical concept, first defined to handle the square root of negative numbers. At first, many mathematicians did not think very kindly of them, until Euler's formula in the 1700's, then later applications in electricity and wave analysis were recognized.Complex numbers are numbers on a plane, for which special which special operations are defined. Complex numbers have a real part, and an imaginary part.There are several practical applications; for example, electrical engineers use complex numbers for circuit calculations with AC. There are other applications, too; for example, in art (creating interesting patterns, called fractals - based on calculations with complex numbers). Quantum mechanics routinely uses complex numbers.The Wikipedia article on complex numbers gives a good overview.The Picomonster website has some cool animations which show complex and imaginary numbers 'in action', so to speak.