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Q: How are congruent segments used in real life?
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What special marks are used to show that segments are congruent?


What are the marks used on a figure to indicate congruent segments?

A single slash perpendicular to the line is used to show it is congruent. In other words, if two segments are congruent they would both have a single slash through them, but if you have multiple pairs, each separate pair would have its own unique number of slashes (1,2,3...).

How are congruent triangles used in real life?

Mostly congruent triangles are used for construction of things like bridges and buildings because they are considered more stable and strong to use (i hope that helps i had to learn this for a project)

What special marks are used to show segments are congruent?

They are arrow points and double arrow points

What are the segments of equal lengths called?

If two segments are of equal length, then we call them congruent segments. Congruency is used when we do not know the specific length or measure, but instead we are dealing with unknown values. In other words, if I know that segment AB=8, I cannot say that AB is congruent to 8 since 8 is a specific value. I could say that segment AB is congruent to another segment, maybe segment BC but it would be improper to say that a segment is congruent to a specific value.

What are reasons used to proof that the equilateral triangle construction actually constructs an equilateral triangle?

all the angles measure up to be the sameTwo segments that are both congruent to a third segment must be congruent to each otherAll of the radii of a circle are congruent

How are congruent triangles used in everyday life?


What tools are used to construct congruent line segments?

straightedge (not a ruler, can't have markings) and compass. all of geo only these 2

What are the examples of congruent objects that are used in your daily life?


What are the reasons used in the proof that the equilateral triangle construction actually constructs an equilateral triangle?

The answer to this question is Two segments that are both congruent to a third segment must be congruent to each other All of the radii of a circle are congruent You're welcome.

Are proportions used in real life?

Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.