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Q: How are cubes dirrerent from other rectangular prisms?
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What solids have six flat surfaces?

rectangular prisms (including cubes). maybe some other ones I'm not thinking of now too.

What is the only solid with not even one vertex?

A sphere. All other solids, including cubes, rectangular prisms, and cones all have at least one vertex.

What two different rectangular prisms have same surface area?

Given any rectangular prism, there are infinitely many other rectangular prisms with exactly the same surface area.

Why cardboard boxes are rectangular prisms?

Because rectangular Prisms are easy to carry and stack on pallets or bind them on pallets. Boxes are usually rectangular prisms because they are easy to carry and are also good for storage. Not liquids however, but rectangular prisms are easy to pack and unpack from and into other objects because they interlock and overlap with themselves better than any other object.

Does every lateral face in a prism a triangle?

No, there are more that triangular prisms. There are also rectangular prisms and one other that i cant recall.=-)

Are the other rectangular prisms whose faces are all the same shape and size?

I would mostly say yes if it was a cube but I don't know

What are some differences between rectangular and triangular prisms?

The rectangular prism has a rectangular cross-section; the triangular prism has a triangular cross-section. Any other difference would be related to this fact - for example, differences in the formulae for the surface area, for the volume, etc.

How do you find the missing dimensions on a rectangular prisms?

You could share what information you did have and then there may be a way to get the missing dimensions. As it is, there is nothing that can be said other than to suggest that you measure them.

Cubic feet equation?

The formula to calculate the volume in cubic feet (ft^3) of a rectangular shape is: volume = length x width x height. Make sure all dimensions are in feet before multiplying them together. This formula applies to rectangular prisms, cubes, and other right-angled shapes.

What instrument would you use to find areas?

Same instrument as you would use for a line or perimeter (ruler, measuring tape, etc.). However, you multiply width times length for rectangles and more complicated methods for other 2D shapes. If it's a 3D shape, for cubes/rectangular prisms you multiply length times width time height, and more complicated formulas for other shapes.

Compare rectangular pyramids and rectagular prisms are they alike?

No they are not. Apart from being (3-dimensional) polyhedra, their only similarity is the fact that a rectangular pyramid has a rectangular face and so has a rectangular prism. But a rectangular pyramid has only one, the remaining four faces are triangular. On the other hand, a rectangular prism has only rectangular faces - 6 of them. I guess that is like saying a human is like half a chair because they both have two legs! They are both 3-d objects and they are similar in this one respect even though in every other respect they are different.

If a rectangular prism has 12 inches on one side and 16 inches on the other how many cubes is it made up of?

it has 80 sides right if im not mistaken